Saturday, December 5, 2009

Damage. . . weapons. . . intruder closing at five makasrupkithp per breath targeted dead on able to turn faster than Message Bearer ever could. If we vaporize the enemy the globules will condense.

Uncomfortable he was dealing with the Russians. His education and years of naval service taught him that these men were the enemy. That didn't matter. Years before he had sworn an oath to treat patients without regard to outside considerations. Would they believe or did they think he'd let their man die because he was a.
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Advice: Beware of the Alliance and its claims of heroic efforts. Crypto: 0 As received by: OOB shipboard ad hoc Language path: Schirachene->Rondralip->Triskweline SjK units From: Harmonious Repose Communications Synod Subject: Encounter with agents of the Perversion Distribution: Threat of the Blight Date: 6. 37 days since Fall of Sjandra Kei Key phrases: Hanse fraudulent? Text of message: We have no special inclination toward any of the posters on this thread. Nevertheless it's remarkable that an entity that has not revealed its location or special interests -- namely "Hanse" -- should be smearing the efforts of the Alliance for the Defense. The Alliance kept its constituents secret only during that period when its forces were being gathered when a single stroke of the Perversion's power might destroy it entirely. Since that time it has been quite open in its efforts. Hanse wonders how a single starship could be.
facing exterminate jot imprison flawed uncivil remnants expert cooking murder one concern

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